String Split Delimiter Separated

[Solved] String Split Delimiter Separated | Perl - Code Explorer |
Question : split strings around given separator/delimiter

Answered by : impossible-impala-2kf2sz6ngusb

# split strings around given separator/delimiter
# import Pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# create a new data frame
df = pd.DataFrame({'Location': ['Cupertino,California', 'Los Angles, California', 'Palo Alto, California'] })
df[['City','State']] = df.Location.str.split(',',expand=True)

Source : | Last Update : Fri, 01 Apr 22

Question : string split delimiter separated

Answered by : grotesque-gibbon-74c9xgrd9a1c

import re
from collections import Counter
class analysedText(object): def __init__ (self, text): # format text, remove punctuation self.text = text #declare a global variable, otherwise for loop will not save self.fmtText = self.text.lower() #make text lower case #Remove special characters ',.!?' / Substring replacement #loop implementation # chars_str = '.!,?' # for i in range(len(chars_str)): #can't use len() alone b/c int obj is not iterable # self.fmtText = self.fmtText.replace(chars_str[i], '') # list comprehension implementation # char_list = ['.', '!', ',', '?'] # self.fmtText = ''.join(['' if i in char_list else i for i in self.fmtText]) # list comprehension implementation (all inclusive) # self.fmtText = ''.join([i for i in self.fmtText if i.isalpha() or i.isspace()]) #regular expression #replace all char not alphanumeric with '' self.fmtText = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 ]', '', self.fmtText) def freqAll(self): # Tokenizing a string and counting unique words - String tokenization # Tokenize with string.split(), returns a list of delimiter separated words # wordList = self.fmtText.split(' ') # Tokenize with regular expression, re.split() wordList = re.split(r'\s', self.fmtText) # Use set() to filter out unique words # freqMap = {} #create an empty dictionary with {}. Can't use it for set, use empty_set = set() # for word in set(wordList): # use set to remove duplicates in list # freqMap[word] = wordList.count(word) # return freqMap #returns a freqMap dictionary # Use Counter collection return Counter(wordList) def freqOf(self, word): # get frequency map freqDict = self.freqAll() return freqDict[word] if word in freqDict else 0
import sys
sampleMap = {'eirmod': 1,'sed': 1, 'amet': 2, 'diam': 5, 'consetetur': 1, 'labore': 1, 'tempor': 1, 'dolor': 1, 'magna': 2, 'et': 3, 'nonumy': 1, 'ipsum': 1, 'lorem': 2}
def testMsg(passed): if passed: #if True return 'Test Passed' else : return 'Test Failed'
print('Constructor: ')
try: samplePassage = analysedText('Lorem ipsum dolor! diam amet, consetetur Lorem magna. sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor. diam et labore? et diam magna. et diam amet.') print(testMsg(samplePassage.fmtText == 'lorem ipsum dolor diam amet consetetur lorem magna sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor diam et labore et diam magna et diam amet'))
except: print('Error detected. Recheck your function ' )
print('freqAll: ')
try: wordMap = samplePassage.freqAll() print(testMsg(wordMap==sampleMap))
except: print('Error detected. Recheck your function ' )
print('freqOf: ')
try: passed = True for word in sampleMap: if samplePassage.freqOf(word) != sampleMap[word]: passed = False break print(testMsg(passed))
except: print('Error detected. Recheck your function ' )

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 17 Aug 22

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