
[Solved] Rules | Perl - Code Explorer |
Question : Rules

Answered by : troubled-tuatara-5paf82i1sw7l

Each Player starts with 20HP and is given 2D6, at the start of play both players roll 2d6 to decide their primary and secondary attack. The higher number is their primary attack, and their lower their secondary.
There will be roadblocks set up randomly throughout the 10x10 grid that the game will take place on.
The players both roll 1D6 for movement, players can move forwards, backwards, left, and right.
When the players are within 1 square of each other either player can decide to initiate combat through a 1d6, the higher rolling player will attack, and the lower rolling player will defend.
If the rolls are tied, the players will roll again using their secondary ability, if this is a tie nothing happens and play returns to next player. When a player wins the combat roll, they can roll for damage and do 1D6 worth of damage,
additionally, they once per round they can attempt to use their ultimate which allows them to add an additional 1D6 to their damage roll, for a total of 2D6 damage (Player must make this clear before they roll for damage.)
Players can move out of combat at any point during their turn if they choose.
Once either players health reaches zero the surviving player is automatically awarded one of the three available PVP coins, three of which result in a win.
Additionally, all six NPC’s start moving towards the player in the most efficient way available based on the board, two spaces at a time.
Each NPC has a base health of one, so they will with a single hit regardless of the roll, they also have a preset defense of 3, the player will have to meet or beat 3 to kill an NPC.
If the player fails a roll, nothing happens, and it switches to the NPC’S turn.
The Player will be able to keep attacking NPC’S until they fail an attack roll.
If the player is able to defeat all NPCS then start the end game condition.
If not, the board is reset and combat starts again with both players at 20 HP, and a +1 To the PVP score of the surviving player.
NPCS Don’t respawn at the begging of a new combat session. 

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 08 Oct 22

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