Pre And Post Increment In C

[Solved] Pre And Post Increment In C | Perl - Code Explorer |
Question : pre and post increment in c

Answered by : grieving-grebe-o5t31xb2ihju

$a = 10;
echo 'Value of $a is :'.$a;
echo '<br />After Pre-increment value of $a ( i.e. ++$a ) is: '.++$a;
$a = 20;
echo '<br />Value of $a is :'.$a;
echo '<br />After Post-increment value of $a ( i.e. $a++ ) is: '.$a++;
$a = 30;
echo '<br />Value of $a is :'.$a;
echo '<br />After Pre-decrement value of $a ( i.e. --$a ) is: '.--$a;
$a = 40;
echo '<br />Value of $a is :'.$a;
echo '<br />After Post-decrement value of $a ( i.e. $a-- ) is: '.$a--;

Source : | Last Update : Tue, 25 Jan 22

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