Example Bash Script

[Solved] Example Bash Script | Perl - Code Explorer | yomemimo.com
Question : bash make script

Answered by : jos-wigchert

use below script to easilly create scripts with different types that are automaticaly set to executable
function help-text (){	echo "-v : Show version"	echo "-t : Type of script you want to create (bash/python3/...) defaults to bash"	echo "-h : Show help text"	exit 0;
if [[ $1 = "-h" ]]; then	help-tekst
for (( i = 0; i < $ELEMENTS; i++ )); do	case ${args[${i}]} in	"-"* )	argument=${args[${i}]}	for (( j=1; j<${#argument}; j++ )); do	case "${argument:$j:1}" in	"v" )	echo "Version: $version"	;;	"t" )	fileType=${args[${i}+1]}	i=$i+1	;;	"h" )	help-text;	exit 0;	;;	* )	echo "-${argument:$j:1}" "invalid command, use -h for more info"	;;	esac	done	;;	* )	fileName=${args[${i}]};	;;	esac
if [[ -z "$fileName" ]]; then	echo "No fileName was provided"
else	if [[ -z "$fileType" ]]; then	printf "#!/bin/bash\n" > $fileName;	chmod +x $fileName;	else	printf "#!/bin/$fileType\n" > $fileName;	chmod +x $fileName;	fi

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 18 May 22

Question : sample bash script

Answered by : amir-ammar

# Editor Amir Ammar
function SOS {	echo "Enter: number / files / names / stats <chapter-name> / search <word>/ quit"
FILE=$PWD'/'$1 #M
if test -f "$FILE" ; then	#I	FILE=''	#R
else	#A	echo "File $1 not found" #M	exit #M
fi #A
for x in $(cat $(echo $PWD'/'$1)) ; do #R	FILE=$PWD'/'$x #COPY The Earth With Out Art is Hust 'EH'	if test -f "$FILE"; then #RIGHT	continue	#E else #D	echo File $x not found	#I	exit #T
fi #O
done #R
while SOS && read -s input ; do	sweet=$(echo $input | egrep "(number)|(files)|(names)|(stats)[\s]*(chapter-[0-9]*[0-9]*)*|(search)[\s]*[A-Za-z]*|(quit)")
# Options
case $sweet in	"number") ## Find the number of chapters in a given directory ############################### echo $(cat $(echo $PWD'/'$1) | wc -l) "chapters"	;;	"files") ## find the name of the files #######################################################	wd=$PWD	for chapter in $(cat $(echo $PWD'/'$1)) ; do echo $( cat $wd/$chapter | head -n1 ): $chapter >> temp1.txt	done	sort -V temp1.txt > temp2.txt	cat temp2.txt	rm temp2.txt	rm temp1.txt	;;	"names") ## find the title of each chapter ###################################################	wd=$PWD	for chapter in $(cat $(echo $PWD'/'$1)) ; do h="$( cat $wd/$chapter | head -n1 ): " name="$( cat $wd/$chapter | head -n3 | tail -n1)" full="$h$name" echo $full >> temp1.txt	done	sort -V temp1.txt > temp2.txt	sed 's/$/ /g' temp2.txt	rm temp2.txt	rm temp1.txt	;;	stats*) ## find the number of the worlds and the lines within a chapter #######################	wd=$PWD	for chapter in $(cat $(echo $PWD'/'$1)) ; do ch="$( cat $wd/$chapter | head -n1 ): " line_words="$( cat $wd/$chapter | tail -n +3 |wc -l) lines, $( cat $wd/$chapter| tail -n +3 | wc -w) words" full=$ch$line_words echo "$full" >> temp1.txt	done	sort -V temp1.txt > temp2.txt	if [[ $sweet = "stats" ]] ; then	cat temp2.txt	else	if [[ $sweet =~ (stats)[\s]*(chapter-[0-9]*[0-9]*)* ]] ; then	chap=($sweet)	grep -i "${chap[1]}" temp2.txt	fi	fi	rm temp2.txt	rm temp1.txt	;;	search*) ## search for a specific word within a chapter and print that amount #################	arr=($sweet)	wd=$PWD	touch unsorted.txt	touch sorted.txt	for chapter in $(cat $(echo $PWD'/'$1)); do	h="$(head -n1 $wd/$chapter )"	get=$(cat $wd/$chapter | egrep -w -i ${arr[1]} | wc -l)	full="$h: $get"	if [[ $get -gt 0 ]] ; then	echo $full >> unsorted.txt	fi	done	if [[ $(cat unsorted.txt | wc -l) -gt 0 ]] ; then	sort -V unsorted.txt > sorted.txt	cat sorted.txt	fi	rm unsorted.txt	rm sorted.txt	;;	"quit") ## exit ################################################################################	exit	;;

Source : | Last Update : Tue, 28 Jun 22

Question : example bash script

Answered by : salman-ahmad

ipconfig /all
ping google.com
tracert google.com

Source : https://www.howtogeek.com/263177/how-to-write-a-batch-script-on-windows/ | Last Update : Sat, 18 Jun 22

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