How To Sum Up The List Of Values In A

[Solved] How To Sum Up The List Of Values In A | Lisp - Code Explorer |
Question : how to sum up the list of values in a list of map

Answered by : godwin-mathias

void main(){ var data = [{"Title": "product 1", "Item Score": 87.3, "Characters": 72, "Image Count": 6}, {"Title": "product 2", "Item Score": 85.1, "Characters": 56, "Image Count": 2}]; double totalScores = 0.0; // looping over data array data.forEach((item){ //getting the key direectly from the name of the key totalScores += item["Item Score"]; }); print(totalScores); // OUTPUT ==> 172.39999999999998

Source : | Last Update : Fri, 19 Aug 22

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