Html Resizable Div

[Solved] Html Resizable Div | Java - Code Explorer |
Question : resize in css

Answered by : salo-hopeless

/* Keyword values */
resize: none;
resize: both;
resize: horizontal;
resize: vertical;
resize: block;
resize: inline;
/* Global values */
resize: inherit;
resize: initial;
resize: unset; 

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 13 Jun 20

Question : how to make a div resizable

Answered by : you

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> <style> /* CSS to style the resizable div */ .resizable { width: 200px; height: 200px; resize: both; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; } </style>
<body> <div class="resizable" id="myDiv"> Resize this div </div> <script> // JavaScript to implement resizing functionality const resizableDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv'); resizableDiv.addEventListener('mousedown', initResize, false); function initResize(e) { window.addEventListener('mousemove', resizeDiv, false); window.addEventListener('mouseup', stopResize, false); let prevX = e.clientX; let prevY = e.clientY; function resizeDiv(e) { const width = resizableDiv.offsetWidth + (e.clientX - prevX); const height = resizableDiv.offsetHeight + (e.clientY - prevY); = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; prevX = e.clientX; prevY = e.clientY; } function stopResize() { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', resizeDiv, false); } } </script>

Source : | Last Update : Tue, 19 Sep 23

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