Go Structs

[Solved] Go Structs | Go - Code Explorer | yomemimo.com
Question : what is struct in golang

Answered by : harendra

A structure or struct in Golang is a user-defined type that allows to group/combine items of possibly different types into a single type. Any real-world entity which has some set of properties/fields can be represented as a struct.

Source : | Last Update : Tue, 21 Jun 22

Question : golang struct

Answered by : restu-wahyu-saputra

package main
import (	"encoding/json"	"fmt"	"net/http"
type Address struct {	Street string `json:"street"`	Suite string `json:"suite"`	Zipcode string `json:"zipcode"`
type Users struct {	Name string `json:"name"`	Age uint `json:"age"`
func ObjectStruct() {	// users 1 example	var users1 struct {	Name string `json:"name"`	Age uint `json:"age"`	}	users1.Name = "john doe"	users1.Age = 23	// users 2 example	users2 := Users{	Name: "john doe",	Age: 23,	}	// users 3 example	var users3 Users	users3.Name = "john doe"	users3.Age = 23	// users 4 example	var users4 Users = Users{	Name: "john doe",	Age: 23,	}	// users 5 example	var users5 = struct {	Name string `json:"name"`	Age uint `json:"age"` }{ Name: "john doe", Age: 23, }	// users 6 example	users6 := struct {	Name string `json:"name"`	Age uint `json:"age"`	}{	Name: "john doe",	Age: 23,	}	fmt.Printf("Object struct 1 %#v \n", users1)	fmt.Printf("Object struct 2 %#v \n", users2)	fmt.Printf("Object struct 3 %#v \n", users3)	fmt.Printf("Object struct 4 %#v \n", users4) fmt.Printf("Object struct 5 %#v \n", users5) fmt.Printf("Object struct 6 %#v \n", users6)
func ArrayObjectStruct() {	// users 1 example	users1 := []Users{	Users{	Name: "john doe",	Age: 23,	},	}	// users 2 example	var users2 []Users	users2 = []Users{	Users{	Name: "john doe",	Age: 23,	},	}	// users 3 example	var users3 []Users = []Users{	Users{	Name: "john doe",	Age: 23,	},	}	// users 4 example	users4 := make([]Users, 1)	users4 = []Users{	Users{	Name: "john doe",	Age: 23,	},	}	// users 5 example	var users3 []Users = []Users{	Users{	Name: "john doe",	Age: 23,	},	}	fmt.Printf("Array object struct 1 %#v \n", users1)	fmt.Printf("Array object struct 2 %#v \n", users2)	fmt.Printf("Array object struct 3 %#v \n", users3)	fmt.Printf("Array object struct 4 %#v \n", users4)
func main() {	ObjectStruct()	fmt.Printf("\n")	ArrayObjectStruct()

Source : | Last Update : Sun, 24 Apr 22

Question : Declare Go Struct

Answered by : samer-saeid

type StructureName struct { // structure definition

Source : | Last Update : Thu, 23 Jun 22

Question : Structs in Golang

Answered by : harendra

type person struct { name string age int gender string

Source : https://gowithgolang.com/functions-method-structs-and-interfaces-in-golang/#Structs_in_Golang | Last Update : Wed, 13 Jul 22

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