Navigate To A New Screen And Back Flutter

[Solved] Navigate To A New Screen And Back Flutter | Dart - Code Explorer |
Question : flutter navigate to new screen

Answered by : prickly-puffin-4r02yq6wom6i

// Within the `FirstRoute` widget
onPressed: () { Navigator.push( context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SecondRoute()), );

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 01 Apr 20

Question : Flutter: Move to a new screen without back

Answered by : smoggy-snake-2op81jdmmqf5

Navigator.pushReplacement( context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => MainPage()), (Route<dynamic> route) => false,

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 22 May 21

Question : Navigate to a new screen and back - Flutter

Answered by : sore-serval-d2a40v4h8jp2

Navigator.push( context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SecondRoute()), );

Source : | Last Update : Sun, 19 Sep 21

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