Identify the generic structure of the song lyric the climb​

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Identify the generic structure of the song lyric the climb​

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The Climb"

Bv Miley Cyrus

OST. Hannah Montana: The Movie

I can almost see it

The struggles I'm facing

That dream I'm dreaming.

The chances I'm taking

But there's a voice inside my head saying, Sometimes might knock me down,

You'll never reach it."

But no, I'm not breaking

Every step I'm takin

I may not know it.

Every move I make feels lost with no

But these are the moments


That I'm gonna remember most, yeah

My faith is shakin'

Just gotta keep goin.

But I, I gotta keep tryin

And I, I gotta be strong

Gotta keep my head held high

Just keep pushing on,


Yeah, yeah, yeah

Keep on movin

Keep climbin

Keep the faith, baby

It's all about it's all about the climb

Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa,

whoa, oh.

Source: iຖາຍະກໍາເຕພາະ ແຕກຽ..ຣາຍ 3ຫມາກນອງງາກແຕງ 1ະໄທ.a


There's always gonna be another


I'm always gonna wanna make it move

Always gonna be an uphill battle

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there

Ain't about what's waitin' on the other

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Last Update: Sat, 10 Jul 21