3. a. Read this table of contents and predict by

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari akaomida pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

3. a. Read this table of contents and predict by summarizing what the content of the book will be.Your summary should have less than 5 sentences.
b. You will be given an incomplete text from a book. Predict what the book content will be by
summarizing based on the information given in this text. Your summary should have less than
5 sentences.
Ancient Swimmers
The elusive fish has been found along the eastern coast of Africa as well as Indonesia.
The largest known group – 300 or so – lives near the island nation of Comoros. The
expedition team made 21 dives to depths of 300 to 400 feet in South Africa’s Sodwana Bay
area. Over the course of four weeks, they spotted coelacanths only six times. The nocturnal
animals hide in underwater caves by day, then venture out at night, feeding on small, fish,
squid, and octopus.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The content of a bookcan besummarized in a paragraph based on the given table of contents. We can write it in five sentence:

In the depth of the ocean there are ancient swimmers. But they are not humans, they are fish, elusive fish which had been found along the eastern coast of Africa and Indonesia. A team of divers had been made to find this elusive fish. But in four weeks of expedition they only found the coelacanths fish only six times. This is because the fish is a nocturnal animal and hide in underwater caves by day.


Sebuah summary atau ringkasan dari buku bisa kita bentuk dari daftar isiatautable of contents dari buku tersebut. Table of contents bisa menggambarkan secara umum apa isi dari buku yang akan kita baca tersebut. Oleh karena itu suatu kebiasaan yang baik bila sebelum membaca buku kita baca dahulu daftar isinya agar memberikan gambaran bagi kita tentang apa yang akan kita baca.

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Last Update: Fri, 16 Sep 22