When the firt Pizza Hut opened it door back in

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When the firt Pizza Hut opened it door back in 1958, it offered conumer one tyle of pizza: it Original Thin Crut Pizza. Since it modet beginning, Pizza Hut ha etablihed itelf a the leader of the $25 billion pizza indutry. Today, Pizza Hut offer ix tyle of pizza, including Pan Pizza, Stuffed Crut Pizza, and it Hand-Toed Style. Explain why Pizza Hut ha expanded it offering of pizza over the pat ix decade, and dicu the long-run profitability of uch a trategy.

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Pizza Hut has likely expanded its offerings of pizza over the past nine decades for a variety of reasons. One reason may be to appeal to a wider range of customers and meet their diverse preferences. For example, some customers may prefer a thicker crust, while others may prefer a thin crust. By offering a variety of crust options, Pizza Hut can attract a larger customer base. Additionally, Pizza Hut may have expanded its menu to keep up with changing consumer tastes and preferences, as well as to stay competitive in the highly competitive pizza industry.

In terms of the long-run profitability of such a strategy, it is possible that expanding the menu and offering a variety of pizza options may help Pizza Hut increase its sales and revenue. By offering a diverse range of menu items, Pizza Hut may be able to attract a larger customer base and increase its customer loyalty. Additionally, offering a variety of menu items may allow Pizza Hut to charge higher prices for certain items, which can also contribute to increased profitability. However, it is important to note that expanding the menu and offering a variety of options can also come with increased costs, such as the cost of ingredient and labor, which may impact the overall profitability of the strategy.

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Last Update: Thu, 16 Mar 23