4 Pertanyaan / Questions Ubahlah kalimat kesimpulan berikut menjadi frasa

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari juhriarya79 pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

4 Pertanyaan / QuestionsUbahlah kalimat kesimpulan berikut menjadi frasa sederhana.
Simplify the conclusions below into simple phrases.
No. Original conclusion Revised conclusion
We need to continue maintaining a focus on value
and quality, which makes us one of the first wellness
companies to implement manufacturing standards
even before governmental regulations went into
In the year 2020, we have reached 10 million worth
of sales, while in the next year 2021 we reached 12
million worth of sales, an increase of 20%.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Pertanyaan diatas belum terjawab

Last Update: Sun, 28 Aug 22