SIMPLE PRESENT TENSEI. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari beryyy pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSEI. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences

1. I .... (live) in Edinburgh.

2. He ………. (do) his homework every evening.

3. She’s a teacher. She ……….. (work) at primary school.

4. Joan …………. (wash) her hair every day.

5. The museum …………….. (close) at seven in the evening.

6. Daniel ……………. (brush) his teeth every morning.

7. She ……………... (study) Science at university.

8. Every Saturday, Paul …………… (give) his dog a bath.

9. In the mornings, Betty …………… (take) her sister to school.

10. John and Mary ………… (have) a cup of tea in the afternoon.

II. Change the sentence into interrogative and negative as in the example.

1. Tom lives in England. → Does Tom live in England? Tom doesn’t live in England.

2. Mr Simpson teaches Chemistry. →……………………………………………

3. You like playing computer games. → …………………………………………

4. John and Sue work in a café. → ………………………………………………

5. We do the shopping on Saturdays. → …………………………………………

6. The baby cries all the time. → …………………………………………………

III. Fill in don’t or doesn’t:

1. Bill _____ play tennis every Sunday.

2. We _____ go to the park.

3. Kate _____ like to eat fish.

4. Sue _____ wear long dresses.

5. I _____ like to get up early.

6. My brothers _____ like to drink milk.

7. My cousin _____ know Italian well.

8. I _____ like to walk with my dog.

9. Pam _____ go to the gym.

10. They _____ understand this rule.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


I. 1. Live

2. Does

3. Works

4. Washes

5. Closes

6. Brushes

7. Studies

8. Gives

9. Takes

10. Have


2. (?) Does mr simpson teaches chemistry?

(-) mr simpson doesn't teaches chemistry

3. (?) Do you like playing computer games?

(-) you don't like playing computer game

4. (?) Do Joe and sue work in a cafe?

(-) joe and sue don't work in a cafe

5. (?) Do we shopping on saturdays?

(-) we don't shopping on saturdays

6. (?) Does the baby cries all the time?

(-) the baby doesn't cries all the time


1. Doesn't

2. Don't

3. Doesn't

4. Doesn't

5. Don't

6. Doesn't

7. Doesn't

8. Don't

9. Doesn't

10. Don't


Untuk penggunaan subjek I, you, we, dan they itu menggunakan do/don't

Untuk penggunaan subjek she, he, dan it itu menggunakan does/doesn't

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Jun 23