B. Complete the following text with the correct answer in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kalendergaming2 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

B. Complete the following text with the correct answer in the box.Preparing Food

Jack... (1) hungry, He walked ... (2) the kitchen. He got out some eggs. He took out some oil. He placed a skillet ... (3) the stove. Next, he turned on the heat. He poured the oil (4) the skillet. He cracked the eggs into a bowl. He stirred the eggs. Then, he poured them into the hot skillet. He waited while the eggs cooked. They were cooked for two minutes. He heard them cooking. They popped ... (5) the oil.

Next, Jack put the eggs on a plate. He placed the plate on the dining room table. Jack loved looking ... (6) his eggs. They looked pretty on the white plate. He sat down in the large wooden chair. He thought about the day ahead. He ate the eggs ... (7) a spoon. They ...(8) good. He washed the plate with dishwashing soap. Then, he washed the pan. He ... (9) a sponge damp. Finally, he wiped ... (10) the table. Next, Jack watched TV.

а. on
b. in
C. to
d. into
e. was
f. with
g. got
h. down
i. at
j. were​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. e. was
  2. c. to
  3. a. on
  4. d. into
  5. b. in
  6. i. at
  7. f. with
  8. j. were
  9. g. got
  10. h. down



to = ke

on = di atas

into = ke dalam

in = di dalam

at = di, pada

with = dengan


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Topik: Preposition

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Mar 22