Which sentense is correct according to the text?A. Dinda is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rtutik388 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Which sentense is correct according to the text?A. Dinda is the writer's best friend since junior high School
B. Dinda's hobby is drawing manga characters.
C. Dinda is quiet person who doesn't lime to share anyting
D. Dinda voice is amazingly great and she likes to sing everywhere

The word "those" in "Her favourite t-shirt are 'those' in bright colors...." refers to....
A. friends
B. T-shirts
C. feelings
D. thoughts

How does Dinda look like?
A. She is short, whit borwn skin and curly black hair
B. She is not too tall, with black skin and wavy black hair
C. She is not too short, whit black skin straight black hair
D. She is tall, with staight ponytail hair

The word 'loves' in " Dinda 'loves' drawing,....."has the closest meaning with the word....
A. hates
B. dislikes
C. likes
D. doesn't like​
Which sentense is correct according to the text?A. Dinda is the writer's best friend since junior high SchoolB. Dinda's hobby is drawing manga characters.C. Dinda is quiet person who doesn't lime to share anytingD. Dinda voice is amazingly great and she likes to sing everywhereThe word

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. B. Dinda's hobby is drawing manga characters

2. B. T-shirts

3. B. She is not too tall, with black skin and wavy black hair

4. C. likes

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Last Update: Tue, 19 Jul 22