Change to be present continuos tense!1. She (run) because she's

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sarinadewi8 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change to be present continuos tense!1. She (run) because she's late for her lesson.
2. Our teacher always (give) us lots of homework.
3. We (not want) to go to the concert.
4. What time (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
5. 1(not work) today. I'm on holiday.
6. People (speak) English in Jamaica.
7. Archie (not use) his computer at the moment.
8. (Tony / live) near the park?
bantu kak​
Change to be present continuos tense!1. She (run) because she's late for her lesson.2. Our teacher always (give) us lots of homework.3. We (not want) to go to the concert.4. What time (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?5. 1(not work) today. I'm on holiday.1526. People (speak) English in Jamaica.7. Archie (not use) his computer at the moment.8. (Tony / live) near the park?bantu kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. She is running (run) because she's late for her lesson.

2. Our teacher always gives (give) us lots of homework.

3. We don't want (not want) to go to the concert.

4. What time are you meeting (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?

5. I am not working (not work) today. I'm on holiday.

6. People speak (speak) English in Jamaica.

7. Archie isn't using (not use) his computer at the moment.

8. Does Tony live (Tony / live) near the park?

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Last Update: Wed, 04 May 22