1. The classroom is empty. The children ... in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mohamaddhofir68 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. The classroom is empty. The children ... in the playground now.A. are playing
B. is playing
C. plays
D. playing
2. The man ... soundly.
A. are sleeping
B. is sleeping
C. sleeping
D. sleep
3. Mother ... in the kitchen right now.
A. are cooking
B. is cooking
C. cooks
D. cook
4. ... you doing your homework? yes, i ...
A. are - am
B. am - are
C. is - am
D. is - is
5. ... she waving to us? No, she ...
A. are - is not
B. is - is
C. is - is not
D. is - are not
Complete the following text to answer questions no. 6 - 8
Today is a bid day. We are (6) ... English contest. I am working with my team. We are (7) ... our presentation. I am writing on my paper, Diana an Tom are discussing it. We are all nervous, but we hope we can (8) ... the competion.
A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having
A. prepare
B. prepares
C. preparing
D. preparation
A. win
B. wins
C. winner
D. winning
9. Which one has the correct arrangement?
A. Susi am not watching TV at the moment
B. Susi is having dinner while Luna are watching TV
C. Bachtiar and Rudi is planting a tree in the garden
D. Luna and Susi are arranging the books in the bookshelves
10. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
A. Nona and Rafi is not travelling to Bangka-Belitung
B. They is usually having dinner in this restaurant.
C. Elsa And ana are not playing football right now
D. Olaf is watching a horrot movie now?​​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.













idk if the 10th one is correct but i hope this helps^_^

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Last Update: Sun, 05 Jun 22