Complete the following dialog Surya Fajar Look, there are many

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rayhanards33 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Complete the following dialogSurya Fajar Look, there are many birds on the tree.
1) What.......?
Surya They are perching on the branch. They have yellow and white feather.
Oh I see. One of them is flying now. 2) What...?
Fajar Surya Their tail is long. They are very beautiful. They chirrup are very melodious. Do you have a bird as your pet?
Fajar Surya Fajar No, I don't have. But I like take care a cat.
3) What? That is great!
My cat is very cute and funny. He always play with me after school. He likes special food and milk
Surya 4) What...?
It is big and fat. It has black fur, but white nose. It also has long tail. Its eyes are brown and round. it has small ears.
Fajar Conclusion/Kesimpulan: What does/do..... look like? digunakan untuk menanyakan ciri-ciri fisik/keperawakan (physical appearance).
What is/ digunakan untuk menanyakan kepribadian (personality) berupa sifat (character) maupun kebiasaan (behavior)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Activity 2

* Read the following dialogues and answer the following questions!

Fajar. "Joe, are you doing anything tonight?"


Joe : "Not really. Why?"

1. Where are they going to go?

Fajar . "I'm going to a movie tonight. I wonder


if you want to come with me."

What kind of movie is it?

Joe "What kind of movie is it?"


Fajar : "It's an action movie."

Where is Fajar's mother going to

Joe "No, thanks. I'm not really into action



Fajar: "What about having dinner? My mother

4. Will Fajar want to go to the Sari

is going to go to Surabaya with my

Bundo Restaurant?

father tonight. I cannot cook."


"Oh, sure. Where?"

5. Whom will Fajar's mother go with?

Fajar : "I heard Sari Bundo Restaurant is


excellent. Do you want to go there?"

Joe : "Sounds good."

Fajar : "Okay. I'll pick you up at your house at eight."

Joe "Okay. See you then."


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Last Update: Sat, 30 Apr 22