Last year my family had a trip to Ball. My

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fahridaaulia45 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Last year my family had a trip to Ball. My parents, my elder sister and I spent threedays.
We had a flight to Bali. We arrived there at 9 a.m. Then, we checked in the hotel. I
was not big, but comfortable. After taking a rest and having a shower, we had a lunch in
the restaurant of the hotel. In the afternoon, we went to Sanur beach. There were a lot
of tourists enjoying the beautiful beach. Some of domestic and foreign tourists surfed on
the beach. They really enjoyed it. My sister and I played the sand. We built a castle from
the sand
On the second day, we had a shopping in the traditional market near the hotel. My
mother bought a new dress, while my father chose a leather jacket. My sister bought a
pair of unique glasses and a cap. While I liked having T-shirts
On the last day, we checked out the hotel. We left the hotel at 8 a.m.
It was really an amazing holiday.

Answer the questions
1. How was the hotel?
2. How did they go to Ball?
3. How many people did the writer's family have
4. When did they have lunch?
5. What did the writer and his sister do?
6. What did they do on the second day?
7. What did the father buy?
8. What do the following words refer to?
a. I (line 1) ...
b. it (line 2)
c. they (line 6)
d. we (line 6).
9. Find the synonym of the words in the text!
a. journey
b. leave for .....
c. palace...
d. wonderful....
10. What is the social function of the text?

tolong di jwb yg benar ya kak
nanti aq follow​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the hotel was not big but comfortable

2. they had a flight to Bali

3. 4 people

4. after taking a rest and having a shower

5. they played the sand and built a castle from

the sand

6. they had a shopping in the traditional market near the hotel

7. father chose a leather jacket

8. a. writer

b. beach

c. my parents and my sister

d. my sister and i

9. a. Traveling

b. b. departur

c. residence

d. beautiful

10. recount text

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Last Update: Wed, 14 Jul 21