tolong ubahkan kedalam bentuk kalimat passive voice​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nina2304 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Tolong ubahkan kedalam bentuk kalimat passive voice

tolong ubahkan kedalam bentuk kalimat passive voice​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


2. The table is set by us

3. A lot of money is paid by her

4. A picture is drawn by me

5. Blue shoes are worn by them

6. You are not helped by them

7. The book is not opened by him

8. The letter is not not written by you

9. Are you picked up by your mother?

10. Is the thief caught by the police?


Active Voice

  • Adalah kalimat aktif
  • Subject melakukan aksi/tindakan dalam kalimatnya

Passive Voice

  • Adalah kalimat Pasif
  • Object yg berubah jadi Subjek lalu diberi aksi/tindakan oleh agent dalam kalimatnya

Rumus dasar Passive

  • Be + V3

Kalimat soal merupakan kalimat aktif dari Present Tense.

Maka berikut Rumus Passive:

  • (+) S + Be (is/am/are) + V3 + By
  • (-) S + Be (is/am/are) + not + V3 + By
  • (?) Be (is/am/are) + S + V3 + By ?


(+) S + Be (is/am/are) + V3 + By Agent

2. The table is set by us

3. A lot of money is paid by her

4. A picture is drawn by me

5. Blue shoes are worn by them

(-) S + Be (is/am/are) + not + V3 + By Agent

6. You are not helpedby them

7. The book is not opened by him

8. The letter is not not written by you

(?) Be (is/am/are) + S + V3 + By?

9. Are you picked up by your mother?

10. Is the thief caught by the police?

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Link Terkait

Passive Voice:


  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: Passive Voice
  • Level: SHS
  • Kode Soal: 5
  • Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Present Tense

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Last Update: Sat, 22 Feb 20