Buatlah - past continue (5) - past tense (5) - present tense

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari helpmeeeeeeeeeee pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Buatlah- past continue (5)
- past tense (5)
- present tense (5)
- past tense + while + past continue
- past continue + when + past tense
- while * past continue + past tense
- when + past tende + past continue

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.






Simple past tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang berlangsung di waktu lampau. Keterangan waktu yang menunjukan waktu lampau dibutuhkan disini, seperti: yesterday, last week, two days ago, two hours ago, last night, dan lain lain.

Rumus simple past adalah:

(+) S + V2 + O

(-) S + did not + V1 + O

(?) Did + S + V1 + O?

Past Continuous Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang berlangsung dan mempunyai proses di masa lampau. Disini penggunaan kata when dan while sering digunakan ketika past continuous tense bertembu simple past tense.  

Rumus Past continuous adalah:

(+) S + was/were + Ving + O

(-) S + was/were not + Ving + O

(?) Was/were + S + Ving + O?

was = I, He, She, It

were = You, They, We


 Buatlah kalimat:

Past Continuous:

  1. I was watching TV at the same time yesterday.
  2. Mrs. Susan was teaching us yesterday at 9 am.
  3. They were playing football here yesterday at 3 pm
  4. We were visiting Tina yesterday afternoon.
  5. My father was working at the same time yesterday.

Simple Past Tense

  1. I bought a new car last month
  2. We won the game yesterday.
  3. They were the champion of Indonesian League last season.
  4. Rina visited her grandmother last week.
  5. He was the victim of earthquake in Palu.

Simple Present Tense

  1. I always go to school at 6.30 am
  2. The sun rises from the east.
  3. Where do you come from?
  4. I don't know what you mean.
  5. She plays piano beautifully.

Past Continuous + while + Past Continuous

My father was washing his car while my mother was sweeping the floor.

Past Continuous + when + past tense

I was playing video game when you came.

While + Past Continuous + Past Tense

While I was daydreaming in the class, Mrs. Susan called my name.

When + Past Tense + Past Continuous

When my mother knocked the door, I was sleeping.

Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1. simple past tense yomemimo.com/tugas/703346

2. past continuous yomemimo.com/tugas/3231603



Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 9

Mapel : B Inggris

Bab : Past Continuous Tense

Kode :9.5.2

Kata Kunci: Daily activities

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Last Update: Thu, 10 Jan 19