Ndak bisa bahasa inggris' •^•[tex]help \: me[/tex]​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Nazzzzzzzzzzzz pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Ndak bisa bahasa inggris' •^•

help \: me

Ndak bisa bahasa inggris' •^•[tex]help \: me[/tex]​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. I am very happy now
  2. I want to drink
  3. I want to defecate
  4. because adit is not doing the job
  5. don't be afraid


Part 1 A: I am very happy now B: Why?A: I got ten for my English test. Part 2A: How do you feel?B: I am thirstyPart 3A: I am hungryB: Do you want something to eat?A: Yes, I do.Part 4 A: Why is Mrs Ningrum angry?B: She is forget because Adit doesn't do his homeworkPart 5A: Don't pinch meB: Oops, I'm sorry DiscussionFrom some of the questions above, we can conclude that these activities are past activities.Simple past, past simple or past indefinite, sometimes called preterite, is the basic form of the past tense in Modern English. It is used in principle to describe events in the past, although it has several other uses as well.Berikut adalah contoh simple past dalam bentuk positif (+), negatif (-), dan introgatif (?),1. (+) My mother bought many vegetables in the market yesterday.(-) My mother did not buy many vegetables in the market yesterday.(?) Did My mother buy many vegetables in the market yesterday?2. (+) I went to library last week.(-) I did not go to library last week.(?) Did you go to library last week?3. (+) He did this homework last night.(-) He did not do this homework last night.(?) Did He do this homework last night?4. (+) We stayed in Bali two years ago.(-) We did not stay in Bali two years ago.(?) Did We stay in Bali two years ago?5. (+) My father gave me a new car four days ago.(-) My father did not give me a new car four days ago.(?) Did My father give me a new car four days ago?6. (+) They went to post office last month.(-) They did not go to post office last month.(?) Did They go to post office last month?7. (+) Jessi met a police yesterday.(-) Jessi did not meet a police yesterday.(?) Did Jessi meet a police yesterday?8. (+) The students played football three days ago.(-) The students did not play football three days ago.(?) Did The students play football three days ago?9. (+) I was a student at Junior High School five years ago.(-) I was not a student at Junior High School five years ago.(?) Was you a student at Junior High School five years ago?10. (+) Ila and Ami were here an hour ago.(-) Ila and Ami were not here an hour ago.(?) Were Ila and Ami here an hour ago?Learn moreGive 15 examples of simple past tenses along with positive, negative and interrogativehttps://brainly.co.id/tugas/14440709buatlah 5 kalimat past tense (+) (-) (?) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/24486587Answer details Class: 8 Junior High School Theory: Simple Past Tense Chapter: XCode: 8.5.10 #StudyInBrainly

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Jun 21