The text is for number 15-17.I have a new bag.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari reptiani21 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The text is for number 15-17.I have a new bag. It is my favorite thing. The bag is my birthday gift from my beloved mother. It is
made from leather. The color is brown and white. It's not big but luxurious. I love it so much.
15. What does the text tell us about?
A The writer's birthday gift
C. The writer's favorite thing
B. The writer's new bag
D. The writer's leather
16. What is the bag made of?
A It is made from leather
C. It is made from metal
B. It is made from plastic
D. It is made from fabric
17. What does the bag look like?
A It is brown and white
C. It is made from leather
B. It is very expensive
D. It is not big but luxurious​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The text is for number 15-17. (Teksnya untuk nomor 15-17.)

I have a new bag. It is my favorite thing. The bag is my birthday gift from my beloved mother. It is made from leather. The color is brown and white. It's not big but luxurious. I love it so much.

(Saya punya tas baru. Itu adalah hal favoritku. Tas itu adalah hadiah ulang tahunku dari ibuku tercinta. Itu terbuat dari kulit. Warnanya coklat dan putih. Tidak besar tapi mewah. Saya sangat menyukainya.)


15. What does the text tell us about? (Teks itu memberitahu kita tentang apa?)

A The writer's birthday gift (Hadiah ulang tahun penulis)

C. The writer's favorite thing (Hal favorit penulis)

B. The writer's new bag (Tas baru penulis)

D. The writer's leather (Kulit penulis)


B. The writer's new bag (Tas baru penulis)


16. What is the bag made of? (Tas nya terbuat dari apa?)

A It is made from leather (Terbuat dari kulit)

C. It is made from metal (Terbuat dari logam)

B. It is made from plastic (Terbuat dari plastik)

D. It is made from fabric (Terbuat dari kain)


A It is made from leather (Terbuat dari kulit)


17. What does the bag look like? (Seperti apa tas itu?)

A It is brown and white (Warnanya coklat dan putih)

C. It is made from leather (terbuat dari kulit)

B. It is very expensive (sangat mahal)

D. It is not big but luxurious​ (Tidak besar tapi mewah)


A It is brown and white (Warnanya coklat dan putih)

C. It is made from leather (terbuat dari kulit)

D. It is not big but luxurious​ (Tidak besar tapi mewah)

Options A, B, C are the answers

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Last Update: Wed, 28 Jul 21