On my daughter's 1st birthday, I made a cake for

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On my daughter's 1st birthday, I made a cake for her. I decorated it with the Disney characters, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. It was such a wonderful experience for me. My wife inspired me to make this special birthday cake. She is very good at making cakes. On that day, I went and got all items for the cake. I had never made a cake before, so I felt a little bit nervous. Before I made the cake, I imagined how to decorate it, then I started right away. I chose the flavor. I made a cake with chocolate flavor. I followed the steps in the recipe carefully. And finally I could make it. It was not bad at all. All the people and the children who were invited to the birthday party liked the cake. I was very proud. My wife told the guests that I made the birthday cake. I felt satisfied when they were surprised that I could make a cake. Since then making cakes has become one of my hobbies. "It was not bad at all."(line 7). The word "it" means…A birthday cake

Birthday cake decoration

The flavor of birthday cake

The writer’s daughter’s 1st birthday party

tolong jawab yaa jangan ngasal

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D. The writers daughter 1 st birthday

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jul 21