.Raja AmpatRaja Ampat or the Four Kings is a famous(1)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari iryasyifaazmi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

.Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat or the Four Kings is a famous
(1) located off the northwest tip of Bird's
Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea,
in Indonesia's West Papua Province. It is well
known as a diving heaven for people around
the world. Because of its beautiful underwater
(2), many tourists come to Raja Ampat.
Raja Ampat covers 9,8 million acres of land
and sea. It is home to 540 types of corals,
1,000 types of coral fish, and 700 types of
mollusks. It makes Raja Ampat the most ...
(3) living library for world's coral reef and
underwater biota. Under the water of Raja
Ampat, we can see many natural coral reefs
that have never been touched by human,
We can also see many fish that have diverse
colors and types. They usually hide between
the ... (4) reefs to take a rest or brood their
eggs. Not only that, we can also see many
war planes and ships sunken during World
War II.
There are many things that you can also
see besides, the underwater scenery. You
can see many fishermen around the beach.
Some of them become tourist guides for
(5) tourists. The fishermen are very friendly
and they will offer you "pinang" (betel nuts) or
some sweet candies.
1. a. island
b, land
C, Ireland
d. rain
2. a. recovery
b. contrary
c. superiority
d. scenery
3. a. erase
b. diverse
d. nice
a. coal
o coal
d. floral
tolong ya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. a. island

2. d. scenery

3. b. diverse

4. kyknya jwabanya coral deh, tpi di optionnya gdk.


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Last Update: Fri, 02 Jul 21