1. You and I always (go) to school by bicycle. a.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nalawidyadhana pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. You and I always (go) to school by bicycle.a. gone
b. going
c. go
d. goes

2. The dog usually (bark) in the evening.
a. barked
b. barking
c. barks
d. bark

3. She (have) red car. She always goes with it.
a. had
b. having
c. haves
d. has

4. My grand parents (speak) English everyday.
a. speaking
b. speak
c. speaks
d. spoke

5. My brother does his homework in his bedroom. The Negative sentence form is...
a. my brother don't do his homework in his bedroom
b. my brother doesn't do his homework in his bedroom
c. my brother doesn't does his homework in his bedroom
d. do my brother does his homework and his bedroom

6. The following Doesn't go along with the simple present tense.
a. state the general fact
b. use don't and doesn't' in interogative sentence
c. use verb 1
d. tell about daily activity

7. Does your father read the newspaper every morning?
a. Yes she does
b. Yes he does
c. Yes he do
d. Yes I do

8. Sinta dan Santi usually (watch) the cinema on monday afternoon.
a. watching
b. watches
c. watch
d. watchs

9. Does my sister cook rice everyday? The positive form is.....
a. My sister cookes rice everyday
b. my sister cook rice everyday
c. my sister doesn't cook rice everyday
d. my sister cooks rice everyday

10. The sun always (rise) at the East.
a. rises
b. rised
c. rise
d. rising

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. B. Going

2. C. Barks

3. D. Has

4. A. Speaking

5. C. my brother doesn't does his homework in his bedroom

6. -

7. B. Yes he does

8. A. Watching

9. D. My sister cooks rice everyday

10. A. Rises


Maaf kalo ada yg salah

Nomor 6 gk bisa jawab

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Last Update: Wed, 12 May 21