Read the reported speech.Then write the dialogue. Juliet said that she

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari james2383 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the reported speech.Then write the dialogue. Juliet said that she didn't like Manchester. She said that she was lonely. Mary said that she knew a good cafe in Manchester. She said that 

it had great food and fantastic music. Juliet said that she couldn't go to the cafe because she didn't have my friends. She said that she hated going to cafes alone. Mary said that she was really nice. Juliet said that she wanted to meet her. Mary said that she was trying to find her phone number. 

Julliet    I don't like.....................I'm................................ 

Mary      I know a......................................It has.................. 

Juliet     I can't..................................because...................... 

I hate........................... 

Mart       I've got...............................She............................. 

Juliet      I........................................her. 

Mary       I..........................................number!  ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Juliet: I don't like Manchester. I'm lonely.

Mary: I know a good cafe. It has great food and fantastic music.

Juliet: I can't go there because I don't have many friends. I hate going to cafes alone.

Mary: I've got a friend. She's a really nice.

Juliet: I want to meet her.

Mary: I'm trying to find her phone number!

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Jul 21