buatlah sebuah teks deskripsi tentang benda kesayangan atau rumahmu! Paling

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari unknown1326 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Buatlah sebuah teks deskripsi tentang benda kesayangan atau rumahmu! Paling sedikit 10 kalimat!! ( dlm bahasa Inggris )tolong dibantu jawab ya kak soalnya dipakai untuk besok!!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

My House

I have a house of medium size, which is quite comfortable to live in. With a small yard and a warm and cozy atmosphere.

My house consists of 1 living room, one dining room, 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and the small yard at the front and the back of the house. The main bedroom is close to the dining room, while my room and my sister's room is near the living room.

The first room is the living room. Which is used to receive guests, and sometimes used as a place for family members to chat. My living room is green, and there are some furniture there, such as a sofa, desks, landscape painting frames lavender flower in a pot, and a wall clock.

On the right side of the living room, there is my room. My room is my favorite part because I decorate it myself. My room is decorated with Doraemon wallpaper, and my bed is quite wide. There was a study table, bookcase and trophies and a charter that I got from the competitions I participated in, a wardrobe, a mirror, a clock wall and an air conditioner.

Five steps away from my room, there is my sister's room his room was brown, and he also styled it herself. With a medium sized bed in the middle of the room, a study desk, a cupboard and a trophy and a championship certificate, a mirror, a wardrobe, a clock, and of course the air conditioner. The rooms are always neat and clean.

After that, there is the dining room which is near by the main bedrooms. My living room is orange. There is a dining table, a cupboard and a refrigerator. When it's time to eat, we all gather to eat there and talking about our day.

On the right side of the dining room, there is the main bedroom. Which is father's and mother's room. It has pandan sponge green color, a little different from the one in the living room. The room is slightly bigger than my sister's room, inside there is a large bed, two wardrobes, a wall clock, father's desk, a sofa, mirror, wall clock and air conditioner.

There is a kitchen at the back, used by the mother to cook and wash cutlery. Inside there are cooking utensils such as spoons, pans, pans, stoves, and so on. My kitchen is yellow.

On the left side of the kitchen, there is a bathroom. The color is also yellow, there is only one bathroom in the house.And in the back of my house, there is a small yard where the mother used to dry clothes, there are also several kinds of trees that the mother planted, such as mango, tomato and onion trees.While in the front yard of the house there is a lot of grass and several types of flowers that mothers buy in the market such as roses, orchids, and lilies.I really like my house, even though the size is not too big but I am comfortable living there. The atmosphere, air and warmth made me excited.


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Last Update: Thu, 05 Aug 21