Orientation: My school photography club celebrated its third anniversary last week.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Yogi5872 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Orientation:My school photography club celebrated its third anniversary last week. My friends and I decided to celebrate it by holding a photograpy exhibition.
My friends and I held a meeting to discuss our plan a month ago. Elin proposed to hold a photography competition. We didn’t agree because we had it last year. We’d like to have a different event. Emily proposed to have an exhibition. She suggested we exhibit our best pictures. We all agreed.
I also proposed to exhibit several best pictures from the last year’s photography competition. All the members agreed it.
Then, we started preparing the exhibition. We made a proposal for the event and submitted it to the principal, invited the teachers and staff and also announced the event. Then, we choose the best pictures. It needed two weeks because we had many pictures. After that, we printed the pictures. We placed the pictures on the frames. Then, we set the school hall for the exhibition. We hanged the pictures on the hall.

RE – orientation
The even ran well. The principal, teachers, staff and students attended the exhibition. They were amazed with the pictures. Even the principal and several teachers bought the pictures. They all were proud of us.

Answer the following question based on the text above!
1.What is the text about?
2.Why was the event held?
3.When did the writer and his/her friends prepare for the event?
4 .What was Erlin’s idea?
5.Did the writer’s friend agree with Erlin’s idea? Why?
6.What did they finally decide in the meeting?
7.Where was the event be held?
8.Who attended to the event?
9.How did the principal respond the event?
10.How did the writer and his/her friends feel?

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1. What is the text about?

Answer: The text is about the writer's and his/her friends plan for their school photography club celebration. The event was held last week.

2. Why was the event held?

Answer: The event was held due to their school's photography club celebration. The event was intended to share photos and creations of their members.

3. When did the writer and his/her friends prepare for the event?

Answer: They prepared for less or more two weeks. They need more time as they were preparing their best photos.

4. What was Erlin's idea?

Answer: Erlin's Idea was to create a photography exhibition, just like the last year's idea.

5. Did the writer's friends agree with Erlin's idea? Why?

Answer: Nope, the writer's friends did not agree with Erlin's idea. It was because they had done the same as what Erlin's idea was.

6. What did they finally decide in the meeting?

Answer: It has come to an agreement that they decided to create a photography exhibition consisting their best photos.

7. Where was the event held?

Answer: The event was held at the writer's school hall.

8. Who attended the event?

Answer: The principal, teachers, staff and students attended the exhibition.

9. How did the principal respond to the event?

Answer: Their work reflected the amazingness of their effort. Thus, the principal was proud of them, and bought their photos too.

10. How did the writer and his/her friends feel?

Answer: Undoubtedly, the writer's and his/her friends felt great for the result of their hard work. They seemed to be in the bag. Even though it was not written on the text, and it would be true they had that feelings.

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 I know you can, and Happy Learning!

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jul 21