Shafa and Kamila will perform a tradisional dance. They ...

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari amaliaafiffah pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Shafa and Kamila will perform a tradisional dance. They ... ondel-ondel dance.a.will performs
b.will perform

Nina and Tomi ... ondel-ondel performeance.

a.will enjoy
b.will enjoys
c.will watching
d.will watches

What will you do when you study astronomy?

a.I will practice law
b.I will operate the machine and fix the problem
c.I will explore the universe
d.I will learn to examine sick people and cure them

Shafa ... a cup ot milk for breakfast.

a.will has
b.will have
c.will drinks
d.will makes

Will you share your answer when we have a test?

a.No, I am not going to
b.No, I am going to
c.No. I will
d.No. I won't

Will wulan return your book?

a.No, she will
b.Yes, she will
c.Yes, she won't
d.No, will not she

paint -- will -- Gina -- the mask of ondel-ondel -- red -- with. The correct arrangement is ....

a.Gina will the mask of ondel-ondel paint red with
b.Gina will red paint the mask of with ondel-ondel
c.Gina will paint red with the mask of ondel-ondel
d.Gina will paint the mask of ondel-ondel with red

Nina and I ... the theatre together.

a.are going to watch
b.are going to watched going to watching going to watches

My sister ... his study in Germany going to starting going to continue
c.are going to register
d.are going to finishing

What will you need to make a miniaure of tradisional Betawi House? I will need ....

a.bamboo sticks, glue, paint, scissors cream sticks, cloths, paint, cutter cream sticks, glue, paint, scissors
d.bamboo sticks, glue, headband, cutter

What will you write for English homework? I ...

a.will write about Betawi house
b.will writes about Betawi house
c.write about Betawi house
d.writing about Betawi house​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1) b.will perform

2) a.will enjoy

3) c.I will explore the universe

4) b.will have

5) d.No. I won't

6) b.Yes, she will

7) d.Gina will paint the mask of ondel-ondel with red

8) a.are going to

9) going to continue

10) cream sticks, glue, paint, scissors

11) a.will write about Betawi house

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Last Update: Thu, 06 Jan 22