(plural) they them their theirs themse Activity 1 1. Complete

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rahmawati9123 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

(plural) they them their theirs themse Activity 1 1. Complete the following sentences with subject or object pronoun. f 1. Dina is my cousin. is two years younger than me. 2. Where do you put my dictionary? I want to use 3. Rania likes dancing. can dance traditional and modern dance beautifully. 4. Doni and Andi will play football tomorrow. You can join if you like. 5. I will return this laptop to my uncle because will use 6. We will have camping next week. Will you join ? 7. Rina and Rani are twins. are very beautiful. 8. Aldo broke his aunt's vase. must say sorry to 9. Thank you for lending this book. I will return it soon. 10. Your birds are very beautiful. have to feed regularly BKS7 SEM.GASAL 2​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Dina is my cousin. She is two years younger than me.

2. Where do you put my dictionary? I want to use it

3. Rania likes dancing. she can dance traditional and modern dance beautifully.

4. Doni and Andi will play football tomorrow. You can join us if you like.

5. I will return this laptop to my uncle because he will use

6. We will have camping next week. Will you join us ?

7. Rina and Rani are twins. They are very beautiful.

8. Aldo broke his aunt's vase. He must say sorry to her

9. Thank you for lending me this book. I will return it soon.

10. Your birds are very beautiful. Ihave to feedthemregularly

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Last Update: Sun, 28 Nov 21