A divity . Yes, Sir Activity 1 Task 1 Listen

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari chachasuliyaswati pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A divity . Yes, Sir Activity 1 Task 1 Listen to the dialogue and complete the blanks carefully! Mr. Adi Good morning, students. Students : Good morning, Sir. Mr. Adi : All right. (1), please? I have something to tell to you. Students : Mr. Adi : Okay. You will have an extra ... (2) to prepare yourself in facing the mid semester examination next month. What do you think of it, students? Arini In my ... (3), that's a good idea, Sir. Mr. Adi : Great! The extra lesson will be started at 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. starting from next week. Do you ... (4) about it? Students : Yes, Sir. We have a clear understanding about it. Mr. Adi (5) Now let's start today's lesson. National Character Communicative, creative, disciplined, love reading, and responsible Students do the activity in a controlled way, eager to know something, willing to read about many things, not likely to cheat, not influenced by others, and having controlled over the task. Students also practice the activity by talking to others about the expressions of asking for attention, checking understanding, appreciating achievement/ work, asking and giving opinion, and the responses, based on the contextual use. Students also create a dialogue about the relating materials using their own creativity : and ideas. : Corrections Task 2 State True or False based on the dialogue on Task 1! No. Statements True/False 1. The conversation happens in the morning. 2. The man in the conversation is a teacher. 3. "That's a good idea" is an expression of showing understanding. 4. The extra lesson will be started at 4 p.m. 5. The students don't understand Mr. Adi's explanationyg task 2 aja yg di jawab ya​
A divity . Yes, Sir Activity 1 Task 1 Listen to the dialogue and complete the blanks carefully! Mr. Adi Good morning, students. Students : Good morning, Sir. Mr. Adi : All right. (1), please? I have something to tell to you. Students : Mr. Adi : Okay. You will have an extra ... (2) to prepare yourself in facing the mid semester examination next month. What do you think of it, students? Arini In my ... (3), that's a good idea, Sir. Mr. Adi : Great! The extra lesson will be started at 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. starting from next week. Do you ... (4) about it? Students : Yes, Sir. We have a clear understanding about it. Mr. Adi (5) Now let's start today's lesson. National Character Communicative, creative, disciplined, love reading, and responsible Students do the activity in a controlled way, eager to know something, willing to read about many things, not likely to cheat, not influenced by others, and having controlled over the task. Students also practice the activity by talking to others about the expressions of asking for attention, checking understanding, appreciating achievement/ work, asking and giving opinion, and the responses, based on the contextual use. Students also create a dialogue about the relating materials using their own creativity : and ideas. : Corrections Task 2 State True or False based on the dialogue on Task 1! No. Statements True/False 1. The conversation happens in the morning. 2. The man in the conversation is a teacher. 3.

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Maaf jika salah.

Yang nomor 4 itu karena pelajaran tambahan nya dimulai jam 2 p.m

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Last Update: Fri, 03 Dec 21