answer the questions, and perform the dialogue with yourfriend in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari veltamanda8 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Answer the questions, and perform the dialogue with yourfriend in front of the classroom
Son Dad, can I watch Mr. Bean Show?
Dad : That show is hopeless. You'd better watch the news.
Son But Dad, Mr. Bean Show is really
funny and the news is boring!
Dad The news tells us about what is going
on in the world and Mr Bean Show is
just a fiction. Why not news?
Son *Mr. Bean Show makes you laugh. The
news is always depressing - kalling and
death and horrible terrible thing
Dad Ok I can see your point of view. We'll
watch 'Mr. Bean Show

1. What permission does the son ask to her father?
2. What is Dad's opinion about Mr Bean Show"?
3. Which show does Dad prefer to watch, "Mr. Bean Show or news?
4. What is Dad's opinion about news?
5. What is the son's opinion about news?
6. How is news compared with "Mr. Bean Show' according to the son?
7. What happen in the end of the debate?
8. Which do you side with? The father or the son? Give your reasons.
Get the Expressions​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The son wants to watch Mr. Bean Show

2. Dad's opinion about Mr. Bean Show is that Mr. Bean Show is hopeless and just a fiction

3. The dad prefer to watch The news

4. Dad's opinion about The News is that the news tell about what is going on in the world

5. The son's opinion about news is that the news is boring and is always depressing - killing and death and horrible terrible thing.

6. The son thinks that the news is boring and the Mr. Bean Show is really funny.

7. In the end of the debate the dad finally see the son's point of view and decided to watch Mr. Bean Show

8. The son. Because the son wanted to watch something less boring and Mr. Bean Show that is really funny and I think that Mr. Bean Show is really funny and not boring


Maaf kalau salah

Untuk Nomor 8 terserah kalian untuk memilih tontonan pihak mana yang lebih baik menurut kalian

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Feb 22