Mega : “Hello, Rina. It has been so long since

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fathiaja82 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mega : “Hello, Rina. It has been so long since the last time we met. How are you?” Rina : “Hi, Mega. It’s my pleasure to see you again. I’m fine. And you?” Mega : “I’m good. By the way, I heard that you married Dimas.” Rina : “Yes. That’s right.” Mega : “Wow! I must congratulate you on your marriage.” Rina : “Many thanks, Mega. I’m sorry for not being able to invite you.” Mega : “ Was it because of the limited invitation?” Rina : “Yes, it was. Only my family and Dimas’ family were invited.” Mega : “Oh, that’s ok, Rina. I wish you happily ever after marriage.” Rina : “That’s very nice of you, Mega.” Mega : “I can say that you look so much nicer after being married.” Rina : “Oh, really? I’m glad you think so.” Mega : “I suppose it’s because of the marriage.” Rina : “Hahaha… I think so.” Mega : “Oh! My phone is ringing. I guess it’s time for me to go.” Rina : “But I expect more chats with you, actually.” Mega : “Well, I’m sorry. I have to catch the flight to London tonight.” Rina : “Terrific! Is that for a vacation or something?” Mega : “I was awarded a full scholarship to study in University Collage of London.” Rina : “Oh my God! Congratulations, Mega!” Mega : “Thank you so much. We can continue our chat on Facebook, then.” Rina : “Of course.” What did Mega say to compliment Rina’s appearance after marriage?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Mega said  “I can say that you look so much nicer after being married.”  to compliment Rina’s appearance after marriage.


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Last Update: Thu, 06 Jan 22