1. We _______ interview most of the job applicants next

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari SabrinaOctav pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. We _______ interview most of the job applicants next week.(A) are going to
(B) going to
(C) are
(D) to

2. We will probably have to ask for an_______ because it looks like we won’t be able to meet the deadline.
(A) extent
(B) extend
(C) extensive
(D) extension

3. ________ we made our travel plans at the last minute, we were still able to get a good deal on the tickets.
(A) Since
(B) Despite
(C) Although
(D) Because

4. This printer cost much less than our other printers, but it works just _______
(A) well
(B) good
(C) as well
(D) as good

5. We are considering ______ several temporary employees to help us with the extra workload.
(A) hire
(B) hiring
(C) to hire
(D) might hire

6. Shirley is one of our most _______ staff members; we can count on her for just about anything.
(A) reluctant
(B) relieved
(C) relocated
(D) reliable

7. If it _______ next weekend, we will have to cancel our plans for going to the beach.
(A) rains
(B) raining
(C) will rain
(D) has rained

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. We (A) are going to interview most of the job applicants next week.

2. We will probably have to ask for an (D) extension because it looks like we won’t be able to meet the deadline.

3. (C) Although  we made our travel plans at the last minute, we were still able to get a good deal on the tickets.

4. This printer cost much less than our other printers, but it works just (A) well

5. We are considering (C) to hire several temporary employees to help us with the extra workload.

6. Shirley is one of our most (D) reliable staff members; we can count on her for just about anything.

7. If it (A) rains next weekend, we will have to cancel our plans for going to the beach.


1. We (A) are going to interview most of the job applicants next week.

Penjelasan: be + going to digunakan untuk menjelaskan kalimat future tense. Kalimat di atas termasuk simple future tense yang ditandai dengan keterangan waktu next week.

2. We will probably have to ask for an (D) extension because it looks like we won’t be able to meet the deadline.

Penjelasan: setelah article an, harus diikuti sebuah kata benda. Dari piliihan jawaban, yang termasuk kata benda adalah extension.

3. (C) Although  we made our travel plans at the last minute, we were still able to get a good deal on the tickets.

(D) Because

Penjelasan: Kalimat di atas berisi pertentangan, bahwa kita membuat rencana liburan di akhir - akhir, namun kita masih bisa mendapatkan tiket yang bagus. Maka konjungsi yang tepat adalah although.

4. This printer cost much less than our other printers, but it works just (A) well

Penjelasan: well digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kata kerja "works".

5. We are considering (C) to hire several temporary employees to help us with the extra workload.

Penjelasan: Setelah kata consider diikuti oleh to untuk menghubungkan dengan kata kerja lainnya.

6. Shirley is one of our most (D) reliable staff members; we can count on her for just about anything.

Penjelasan: Kata reliable mempunyai arti dapat diandalkan. Kata adjective ditulis sebelum kata benda.

7. If it (A) rains next weekend, we will have to cancel our plans for going to the beach.

Penjelasan: Rumus Conditional sentence type 1 adalah If + simple present tense, simple future will.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

  1. Materi tentang rumus simple pas tense yomemimo.com/tugas/21290356
  2. Materi tentang 10 contoh kalimat simple future tense yomemimo.com/tugas/8548956
  3. Materi tentang pengertian simple future tense yomemimo.com/tugas/26461878


Detil jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Ulangan Harian

Kode: -


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Last Update: Mon, 20 Jun 22