Pertanyaan nomor 16 s.d. 18 Lengkapi paragraf berikut ini dengan kalimat

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari igasss pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Pertanyaan nomor 16 s.d. 18Lengkapi paragraf berikut ini dengan kalimat yang sesuai.

16. Food and cooking hygiene include a number of routines which should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. _________. Besides, wash hands with warm soapy water before preparing food. Also, wash meat, fruit, and vegetables thoroughly before use.
a. Food can transmit disease from person to person.
b. First of all, wear clean clothes and protective apron.
c. The bacteria in food can cause food poisoning.
d. Freezing is one of the most commonly used processes for preserving a very wide range of food stuffs.

17. Best before is sometimes indicated on food and drink wrappers, followed by a date, and is intended to indicate the date before which the food should be consumed. _________. In this case, a term like ‘best before see bottom’ or ‘best before see lid’ might be printed on the label and the date marked in a different location as indicated.
a. Sometimes the packaging process involves using pre-printed labels, making it impractical to write the best before date in a clearly visible location.
b. The term "use by" is similarly used to indicate the date by which the item will have outlived its shell life.
c. Generally, food that has a use by date written on the packaging must not be eaten after it has expired.
d. This is because such foods usually go off quickly and may be injurious to health if spoiled.

18. As a food label is often nothing more than an advert to tempt you to buy the product, you should pay particular attention to the choice of words used. _________. Chocolate flavor topping, for example, will not contain chocolate, so read carefully.
a. Certain ingredients must be identified by a specific name, such as preservatives.
b. They should take particular care over low-fat and low-sugar products.
c. Indeed, it could refer to texture, fat content or sugar content.
d. Always watch out for the word 'flavor', as this may mean that the product contains synthetic ingredients.

Pertanyaan nomor 19 dan 20
Urutkan kalimat berikut menjadi paragraf yang sempurna.

19. (A) Clearly, a number of factors have contributed to its remarkable appearance.
(B) The result is a unique story of land collisions and erosions, and of rising and falling water levels.
(C) Experts who have analysed the rock formations say that, historically, it goes back nearly two billion years.
(D) Anyone who has ever visited the Grand Canyon will agree that it is one of the most incredible Sights in the world.
(E) The geological processes that have taken place since then are exposed for everyone to see, not hidden beneath vegetation or a fast-flowing water course.

20. (A) But we cannot deny the advantages of technology, for example phones have brought the world closer.
(B) Technology has both advantages and disadvantages
(C) For example, phones are known to cause problems due to radiation.
(D) I think it all boils down to how we use a particular technology.
(E) Some people also make phone calls while

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


16. B

17. A

18. D

19. D - A - C -E - B (i'm not really sure about this, sorry if it's the wrong order)

20. B - C - E - A - D


16. kalimat selanjutnya menggunakan conjunction besides yang artinya selain itu, ini menunjukkan bahwa ada argumen atau penjelasan lain sebelum kalimat tersebut. pilihan B menggunakan first of allyang artinyapertama-tama.

17. pilihan A membicarakan tentang label "baik digunakan sebelum" yang dicetak langsung pada bungkus tapi tidak praktis. efek dari ketidakpraktisan tersebut ada di kalimat terakhir yang membicarakan tentang  posisi di mana tanggal kadaluarsa dicetak dan diletakan.

18. paragraf tersebut memberikan peringatan agar pembaca berhati-hati dan teliti saat membaca label pada produk, dan memperhatikan kata-kata yang digunakan. kalimat terakhir membicarakan tentang chocolateflavortopping. berarti, kalimat sebelumnya juga harus membicarakan tentang flavor. pilihan D paling tepat.

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Last Update: Mon, 15 Aug 22