What does the text mostly discuss about? I have an

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rantiyem873 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

What does the text mostly discuss about? I have an idol. He is a singer from Indonesia. He is very handsome and smart. His voice is very good. His name is Afgan Syah Reza. He was born on 27 May 1989 in Jakarta. He is well known as a talented young singer. Afgan is quite tall. His height is 170cm. He has an oval face and short hair. He is easily known because there are dimples on his cheek when he is smiling and always wears glasses. Afgan's favourite music is pop, R & B, Soul and Jazz. That music influences his way to sing. Afgan likes eating. His favorite food is Kentang Balado (Potatoes mixed with chili sauce). He loves it because it's delicious. He always makes good songs with his voice. Because of his hobby, he starts his career to sing. He has made several albums until now. Among of them are Confession No.1, The One, etc. all songs with new arrangement and he sings them nicely. Afgan has twenty appreciations, such as best male singer, favorite male artist, best album, etc.​

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This text is describing Afghan.

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Last Update: Tue, 28 Jun 22