Use your own ideas to complete these sentences! 1. I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari choiminho2233 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Use your own ideas to complete these sentences!1. I will go to the concert if...
2. I don't want to distrub you if ..
3. If you go to bed early tonight, ..
4. You must turn off the TV if ..
5. Tina won't pass her exam if...
6. If you have time tomorrow, ...
7. We can go to the beach if ...
8. If you forget your email password,...
9. I will introduce you to my parents if...
10. If you can speak English,...

Complete the sentences!
1. I don't know the answer. If I...knew... the answer, I would tell you.
2. I don't want to go out. If go out, I would go.
3. We don't have the key. If we....the key, we could get into the house.
4. I am not hungry. I would have something to eat if I....hungry.
5. Tina likes her job. She would not do it if
6. He can't speak any foreign languages. If he.... speak a foreign language, he would get a better jjo
7. You don't try hard enough. If you.....
harder, you would have more succes.
8. I have a lot to do today. if much to dowe could go out.

Put the verb in the correct form
1. If he .. the money, he would buy a fast car.(have)
2. Jane likes living in a city. She....happy if she lived in the country.(not/be)
3. If I wanted to learn Italian, Italy.(go)
4. I haven't told Helen what happened. She would be angry if she....(know)
5. if we.... a map, I could show you where I live. (have)
6. What would youo do if you....a lot of money? (win)
7. It's not a very good hotel. I.....there if I were you. (not/stay)
8. If we.....nearer London, we would go there more often. (live)
9. It's a pity you have to go now. It....nice if you have more time. (be)
10. I am not going take the job. I would take it if the salary.....better. (be)
11. I don't know anything about cars. If the car broke down, I....what to do. (not/know)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.My friends are here.

2.You are doing your homework.

3.I will watch a TV.

4.It was midnight.

5.She doesn't know it.

6.I will brought you to to the cinema.

7.You have much time today.

8.Then,i don't know too.

9.You are being patience to them.

10.I will introduce you my friends.

1.Don't know lol :v




5.Were not.


7.Can do it.














Done :v

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Last Update: Sat, 16 Apr 22