deskripsi tentang kapas​ dalam bahasa Inggris

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Deskripsi tentang kapas​ dalam bahasa Inggris

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

deskripsi tentang kapas dalam bahasa Inggris :

Cotton is the fine fiber that covers the seeds of the cotton tree or plant.

Cotton is the fine fiber that covers the seeds of the cotton tree or plant.Cotton fiber is an important material in the textile industry. The fibers can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products from cotton fibers are commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or fabric).

Cotton is the fine fiber that covers the seeds of the cotton tree or plant.Cotton fiber is an important material in the textile industry. The fibers can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products from cotton fibers are commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or fabric).Textiles made of cotton (cotton) are warm in the cold and cooling in the hot (absorb sweat).


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Last Update: Thu, 21 Apr 22