1. The population of these vulnerable animals has dramatically decreased

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adityafirmansyah3245 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. The population of these vulnerable animals has dramatically decreased in the past few decades with no solid reason as to why.   2. Lions are carnivorous mammals that come from the family Felidae.   3.Only eight subspecies are recognized today and there is a small range of hybrids with lions mating with tigers, jaguars, or leopards to create unique creatures.   4. This is discouraged and only initiated at zoos.   5. They are geographically distributed in mostly sub-Saharan east and southern Africa but can also be found in zoos internationally, India, and some parts of Asia.   6. It is thought that clashes with humans and habitat loss may be a possibility, but to help further preserve and monitor these creatures, they are usually kept within reserve and parks. susunlah teks teesebut!​

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Last Update: Tue, 31 May 22