Fill in the blanks with positive, comparative or superlative degree,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hehe743 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Fill in the blanks with positive, comparative or superlative degree,1. This town is as...(modern)... as my birthplace,
2. He dressed ...(modest)... than his brother,
3. Her house is ...(close)... than mine to school
4. They are the ...(famous)... boyband this year,
5. Mr. V is the .. (popular)... man of the year,
6. I have done the .. (good)... I can
7. I have the ...(few)... score among them 8. He has ...(many)... money than his siblings.
9. The girl is the ...(polite)... guest in this room
10. She is as ...(happy)... as Roland

dikumpulkan Minggu depan
bantu ya​
Fill in the blanks with positive, comparative or superlative degree, 1. This town is as...(modern)... as my birthplace, 2. He dressed ...(modest)... than his brother, 3. Her house is ...(close)... than mine to school 4. They are the ...(famous)... boyband this year, 5. Mr. V is the .. (popular)... man of the year, 6. I have done the .. (good)... I can 7. I have the ...(few)... score among them 8. He has ...(many)... money than his siblings. 9. The girl is the ...(polite)... guest in this room 10. She is as ...(happy)... as Rolanddikumpulkan Minggu depanbantu ya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. as modern as
  2. modester
  3. closer
  4. most famous
  5. most popular
  6. best
  7. fewest
  8. more
  9. politest
  10. happy



Positive (as ... as)

  • as happy as
  • as tall as

Comparative ( ... than = ... daripada)

  • adj + er. contoh: easier, hotter, harder
  • more + adj. contoh: more

Superlative (paling... )

  • adj+ est. contoh: the hardest, the darkest
  • most+ adj. contoh: the most interesting, the most beautiful


semangat belajar....

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Last Update: Thu, 21 Apr 22