Activity: Listening Comprehension !A. Listen and complete the following dialogue!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari wahyuhegantara90 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity: Listening Comprehension !A. Listen and complete the following dialogue!

Jihan : 1) ........

Debby : Mike? Where is he now? I haven't heard about him since last year.

Jihan : He is in Bali. His lather got a job there.

Debby : That's great. By the way, why did he send you a letter?

Jihan : Well, 2).......... ,sol sent him a letter. Last month his team won a tournament without spectators.

Debby : Really? He is amazing. What is his reply then?

Jihan : In his reply, he tald me that he worked hard for the championship. 3)......... One of the players got injured before the toumament but fortunately the other player could change his role.

Debby : Wow, the match must be exciting

Jihan : He also wrote that he got some prizes, 4).....

Debby : Anyway, how did you get Mike's address?

Jihan : His grandma gave it to me when I met her. Mike's phone number was changed so i Jihan decided to send a letter.

Debby : Will you reply his letter again?

Jihan : No. 5) .....

Debby : Can I have it?

Jihan : Sure.

B. Explain the situation of the dialoguel Imagine that you are Mike! Write the letter based on the dialogue you have heard!


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Activity: Listening Comprehension !

A. Listen and complete the following dialogue!

Jihan : 1) Mike gave me a letter!

Debby : Mike? Where is he now? I haven't heard about him since last year.

Jihan : He is in Bali. His lather got a job there.

Debby : That's great. By the way, why did he send you a letter?

Jihan : Well, 2) I wrote a letter to Mike ,sol sent him a letter. Last month his team won a tournament without spectators.

Debby : Really? He is amazing. What is his reply then?

Jihan : In his reply, he tald me that he worked hard for the championship. 3) Mike's team One of the players got injured before the toumament but fortunately the other player could change his role.

Debby : Wow, the match must be exciting

Jihan : He also wrote that he got some prizes, 4) one of them is a trophy

Debby : Anyway, how did you get Mike's address?

Jihan : His grandma gave it to me when I met her. Mike's phone number was changed so i Jihan decided to send a letter.

Debby : Will you reply his letter again?

Jihan : No. 5) Yes, then Mike sent me a present.

Debby : Can I have it?

Jihan : Sure.

B. Explain the situation of the dialoguel Imagine that you are Mike! Write the letter based on the dialogue you have heard!

hi Jihan i just won the tournament but one of my team got injured then i got some prizes then how are you .

semoga membantu ya

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Last Update: Wed, 13 Apr 22