Lorenza miller is teling her partner about her day at

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Nadalubis11 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Lorenza miller is teling her partner about her day at the office. Match the beginning of each sentence on the left (1-13) with a phrase on the right (a-m). You can then make similar sentences to talk about your day at work.1.
2. I looked at ​................
3. I wrote​​................
4. I made​​................
5. I went to​................
6. I took​​................
7. I fixed​​................
8. I met​​................
9. I had​​................
10. I read​​................
11. I discussed​................
12. I presented​................
13. I negotiated​................
14. I came home​................

a. The monthy figures to Mr Kazoulis.
b. An appointment with a client.
c. The minutes of the meeting.
d. A representative of the safety committee.
e. The company magazine.
f. Three or four replies.
g. Two or three telephone calls.
h. The office Christmas party with Cynthia.
i. A $10 milion deal.
j. My e-mails.
k. Lunch with tom in accounts.
l. Tired but happy.
m. The weekly departmental meeting.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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ini jawaban nya


maaf kalau salah

Jawaban:ini jawaban nyaPenjelasan:maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Mon, 18 Jul 22