Mutualism is a type of symbiosis that occurs when two

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Mutualism is a type of symbiosis that occurs when two unlike organism live together ;in a state that is mutually beneficial. It can exist between two animals, between two plants, or between a plant and an animal. Mutualism is unlike the symbiotic state of commensalism in that commansalism is a one-sided state in wich a host gives and a guest takes, while in mutualism both partners live on a give-and-take basis.In the african wilds, the zebra and the ostrich enjoy a symbotic relationship that enhances the ability of each of these large land animals to survive. Both serve as prey for the lion, and neither has the capability alone to withstand an atack from this fierce hunter. However, when the zebra and the ostrich collaborate in their defense by alerting each other to possible danger from an approaching predator,the lion is reraly able to capture more than the oldest or feeblest of the herd.

The complementary physical strengths and weaknesses of the ostrich and the zebra allow them to work in coordination coordination to avoid succumbing to the lion. The ostrich, the largest flightless bird in the world, possesses great speed and keen eyesight, which enable it to spot large predatory animals long before they are able to position themselves to attack. The zebra, with a running speed equal to that of the ostrich, has excellent hearing and a good sense of smell but lacks the sharp eyesight of the ostrich. When ostriches and zebras internix for grazing, each animal benefits from the ability of the other to detect approaching danger. If either animal senses danger, both animals are alerted and take off. With the running speed that both of these animals possess, they are able to outrun any predator except the cheetah.

31.How is the information in the passage organized?

answer choices

(A) A concept is explained througth an extended example.

(B) A series of chronological events is presented.

(C) Two examples are compared and contrasted.

(D) Two opposing theories are explained.


32.The word “unlike” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to?

answer choices

(A) Unfriendly

(B) Dissimilar

(C) Potential

(D) Hated


33.The word “beneficial” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to?

answer choices

(A) Distinctive

(B) Meaningful

(C) Helpful

(D) Understood


34.What is “commensalism” in paragraph 1?

answer choices

(A) A specific kind of mutualistic relationship

(B) A relationship that is beneficial to both partners

(C) A relationship in which both partners are hurt

(D) A relationship that is beneficial to only one partner


35.What is implied in the passage about the zebra and the ostrich?

answer choices

(A) They have a commensalist relationship.

(B) The lion is prey for both of them.

(C) They share a mutualistic relationship.

(D) Their relationship is not symbiotic.


36.What is stated in the passage about the lion?

answer choices

(A) It is easily able to capture zebras and ostriches.

(B) It is usually able to catch only weaker zebras and ostriches.

(C) It never hunts zebras and ostriches.

(D) It does not hurt old or feeble zebras and ostriches.


37.The word “collaborate” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to.....

answer choices

(A) Work together

(B) Make observations

(C) Make a stand

(D) Run and hide


38.The pronoun “it” in paragraph 3 refers to....

answer choices

(A) Ostrich

(B) World

(C) Speed

(D) Eyesight


39. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?

answer choices

(A) The ostrich is un unable to fly.

(B) The ostrich is able to see better than the zebra.

(C) The zebra hears and smells well.

(D) The zebra is able to run faster than the ostrich.


40. Where in the passage does the author mention the one animal that is faster than both the ostrich and the zebra?

answer choices

(A) Paragraph 1

(B) Paragraph 2

(C) Paragraph 1 and 3

(D) Paragraph 3

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  1. The correct answer for the first question is (A. The concept is explained through an extended example). As we can see, this text discussed about mutualism. To get deeper understanding about mutualism, the author give an example about coordination between zebra and ostrich. If they work on their own, then, of course they can not never bea a lion where lions are so eager to prey on both ostrich and zebra. This kind of coordination is called by mutualism.
  2. The word "unlike" which have meaning berbeda or tidak sama in paragraph 1 is closes in meaning to (B. Dissimiliar) which have same meaning.
  3. The word "beneficial" in paragraph 1 is closes in meaning to (B. Meaningful) which both of them have same meaning "bermanfaat)
  4. Commensalism in paragraph 1 is mean (D. A relationship that is beneficial to only one partner). It have been discussed in first paragraph.
  5. The Implied in the passage about zebra and ostrich is ( C. They share a mutualistic relationship). It has been described in the story. Both of them are lion's prey. They make good communication and coordinator so that they can escape from lion.
  6. The state in passage about lion is ( B. It is usually able to catch only weaker zebras and ostriches). Because usually both the old ostrich and the old zebra will have a weaker force or lower strength and thus make it easier for the lion to catch them. So they often become his prey of lions.  
  7. The word collaborate is paragraph 2 is closest meaning to (A. Work together)
  8. The word it refers to (A. Ostrich)
  9. The following sentence is not stated in the passage is (D. The zebra is able to run faster than the ostrich). Which is doesn't mentioned in the passage.
  10. The answer is (D. Paragraph 3) which is mentioned as cheetah.


Symbiosis is the relationship between one living creature with the other in purpose of preserving oneself or life so that life's continuity persists.

An example of how the text describes the symbiotic mutualism that occurs between the ostrich and the zebra where both of them are lion's prey. But because of good collaboration between zebra and ostrich, then both of them can survive a lion attack. The relations that have win win solution is called by mutualism.

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Last Update: Wed, 04 May 22