1. Fill in the blank with the correct word. I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rendifernando3231 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Fill in the blank with the correct word. I talked to Vivi yesterday. She is tired of walking to work.........That's what she told A. She is going to buy a motorcycle.B. She has bought a motorcycle.
C. She will buy a motorcycle.
D. She buys a motorcycle.

2. Tricia Cohen here with Tri-County weather. Well, we're starting the week with some fog, but that will burn off by late morning, revealing sunny afternoon skies and a high temperature close to 65 degrees. Tomorrow will be partly sunny, with about 60, but increasing clouds Tuesday night will bring rain and colder weather later in the week. What is she reporting?
A. It will be foggy tomorrow.
B. It will be sunny all day tomorrow.
C. It will rain on Tuesday.
D. It will be colder after Tuesday.

3. Read the text and then answer the question. Brian : Would you like a ride home? Tina : No, thanks. It's a beautiful day. I think ...... home.
A. I walk
B. I walked
C. I will walk
D. I'm going to walk

Guys tolong bantu ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. A. She is going to buy a motorcycle.

2. D. It will be colder after Tuesday.

3. D. I'm going to walk

Maaf kalau misalnya masih ada yang kurang bener, hope it helps!

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Last Update: Mon, 23 May 22