Match the short text in the right column whit the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ohmybby12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Match the short text in the right column whit the word in the left column!Statenents:
1. The pronoun of "you and me".
2. The day before today.
3. The past form of "book".
4. Sixty seconds before now.
5. Telling the past event.
6. The present form of "came"
7. We are supposed to add not in this sentence.
8. Adverb of time past event.
9 the past form of "break"

2. Occurred
3. 3 year ago
4. Yesterday
5. Negative form
6. A minute ago
7. Broke
8. Us
9. Brook
10. Booked
11. Beak.
12. Recount text
Gimana yah lupa

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.The pronoun of "you and me" = Us

2.The day before today = Yesterday

3.The past form of "book" = Booked

4.Sixty seconds before now = A minute ago

5.Telling the past event = Recount text

6.The present form of "came" = Come

7.We are supposed to add not in this sentence = Negative form.

8.Adverb of time past event = 3 year ago

9.The past form of "break" = Broke

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Last Update: Mon, 20 Jun 22