buatlah sebuah cerita sederhana dengan melibatkan present perfect tense dan

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lisaamanda901 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Buatlah sebuah cerita sederhana dengan melibatkan present perfect tense dan simple past tense. paragraph yang kamu buat harus melibatkan kata-kata berikut ini:a. began
b. broke
c. caught
d. crept
f. dove
g. fought
h. forbade
i. got
j. hid
k. kept
l. knelt
m. learn
n. lay
o. meant
p. output
q. overcome
r. overhung
s. proved
t. rebuilt
u. shone
v. sang
w. stood
x. strove
y. thrived​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


The story began when a little baby goblin crept under the price bed luckily the guard's dove caught the little goblin, it fought the dove in the end the dove won. from that day the king forbade all goblin to ever seek in his kingdom until the prince got in love with a princess but it was a princess of a goblin well he snuck the princess to the castle when the king himself confront him panicked the princess hid in under the prince bed and kept silent the king noticed something smells he don't know what is it until he found the princess of the goblin, the princess knelt to the king begging for his life but the king didn't answer. the crack of dawn in the city hall lay a goblin princess ready to be executed. the prince is devastated he cannot overcome his fear for his father he cannot proved that the princess was innocent. everybody was there when the head of the princess head fall over the ground and blood spilled everywhere from that day, everyone learnt that if you laid your face in that kingdom meant you have chosen death

overcome sama overhungnya gamasuk sorry gamasuk verbnya              

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Last Update: Sun, 30 May 21