Complete these sentences by writing the verbs in the past

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kartika040306 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete these sentences by writing the verbs in the past simple.1. I ..... that you ...... to Lombok last month. (hear/go)
2. Ramdan ...... holiday with his family. (spend)
3. That woman ...... in a small bed. (sleep)
4. We ...... yesterday but no one ...... (call) (answer)
5. Salma and Rina ...... some flowers yesterday. (buy)
6. I ..... my bag at the office. (leave)
7. He ...... to me at the end of the meeting. (speak)
8. Who ..... the ball?...... (throw)
9. My family ..... novels after dinner. (read)
10. I ..... my sister when I was shopping last week. (see)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. I heardthat youwent to Lombok last month.

2. Ramdan spent holiday with his family.

3. That woman slept in a small bed.

4. We calledyesterday but no oneanswered

5. Salma and Rina bought some flowers yesterday

6. I left my bag at the office

7. He spoke to me at the end of the meeting

8. Who did throw the ball?

9. My family read novels after dinner

10. I saw my sister when I was shopping last week.


jawabannya yang dibold yaa:))

titik² nya diisi pake vocab yang di dalam kurung dan diubah ke V2, sesuai instruction nyaa

untuk nomor 8, kenapa tetap throw? karna itu interrogative sentence/kalimat tanya, dan ada tambahan "did" untuk pertanyaan past tense^^

semoga membantuu

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jul 21