a. We are studied English nowb. We are studies English

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jesikayuliana83 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. We are studied English nowb. We are studies English now
c. We are studying English new
d. We are study English new
14. Convert the negative sentence (-) into interrogative sentence (7)
(): We are not studying English now
a. Are we studying English now?
c. Are we stadied English sw ?
b. Are we studies English now?
d. Are we study Englih now?
15. Convert the positive sentence (*) into interrogative sentence (7)
(+): We are studying English now
a. Are we studied English now?
c. Are we studying English noul
b. Are we studies English now?
d. Are we study English now
16. Convert the positive sentence (+) into negative sentence (-)
(+): My brother is studying English at Oxford course this year
a. My brother is not studying English at Oxford course this year
b. My borther is not studied English at Oxford course this year
c. My brother is not study English at Oxford course this year
d. My brother is not studies English at Oxford course this year
17. Convert the positive sentence (+) into interrogative sentence (7)
(+): My brother is studying English at Oxford course this year
a. Is my brother is studying English at Oxford course this year?
Is my brother is studied English at Oxford course this year?
c. Is my brother is study English at Oxford course this year?
d. Is my brother is stdies english at Oxford course this year?
18. Convert the negative sentence (-) into positive sentence (+)
(-): My brother is not studying English at Oxford course this year
a. My brother is studying English at Oxford course this year
b. My brother is studied English at Oxford course this year
c. My brother is study English at Oxford course this year
d. My brother is studies English at Oxford course this year
19. Convert the negative sentence (-) into positive sentence (+)
(-): I am not reading book now
a. I am read book now
c. I am reading book now
b. I am write book now d. I am writing book now
20. Convert the positive sentence (+) into interrogative sentence (?)
(+): I am reading book now

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


14. d. We are study English new

15. c. Are we stadied English sw ?

16. d. Are we study English now

17. b. My borther is not studied English at Oxford course this year

18. c. Is my brother is study English at Oxford course this year?

19. b. My brother is studied English at Oxford course this year

20. c. I am reading book now


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Last Update: Thu, 17 Jun 21