create a Legend-Themed Story Retelling​

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Create a Legend-Themed Story Retelling​

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Legend found in Indonesia: origin of the river kapuas

There are many legends in Indonesia, but one of them is fairly familiar in Indonesia. Besides, we also posted rock legend. I hope the sisters like these fairy tales.

Legend found in Indonesia: the origin of the kapuas river

Back on mintin island, there was a small kingdom led by a very wise king. People's lives were secure and prosperous. The people love the king and the queen very much.

One day, the empress developed a strange illness and eventually died. The king is deeply grieved. It's losing heart. Hence, she set out to set sail to remove her sadness.

Knowing that, the royal adviser asked: "who will carry out the government while the Lord is away?"

"I thought that my twin sons, the dragon and the crocodile, were capable of this responsibility," said the king.

Afterward, the king summoned his twin sons. "My children, I ask you to run the government during my absence."

Although the dragon and the crocodile are twins, their two characteristics are quite different. Crocodiles are benevolent and generous, whereas dragons are the opposite. Dragons love to dine. He never cared for the interests of others.

After the king left, the dragon started to act. He doesn't want to go with crocodiles to run the government. His job is just fun. kar

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Last Update: Fri, 02 Jul 21